I’m Melissa! I want to take this opportunity to tell you a little about myself and why photography is such a passion of mine.
I’ll start by saying in my daily life, I play a lot of roles, seriously, A LOT! I’m a mom to three amazing little kids! Max and Gracelyn are 6 (yep, twins!) and Gianna is 3. My husband, Nick, is a workaholic and is a firefighter, paramedic, lieutenant for two fire departments. He’s typically gone days at a time (minimum 48+ hour shifts) so don’t be surprised if your galleries and emails from me come through at 2, 3, or 4am! I’m mommy all day and back to businesswoman by night! Aside from my family, my three greatest loves are Elvis, my Soap Operas, and Photography! Before I go on…Yes I have my hands full, and no, I really don’t sleep – those are the two questions I’m asked ALL THE TIME, so now we have that out of the way!!!!!